June 15, 2012

Challenge Update

On Monday, I set a challenge to myself and all of you to keep a log or mental note of the negative self-thoughts that pop into your head throughout this week. I called it our Stop Being So Negative Challenge .  If you missed the post it’s never to late to get on bored.  For now it’s time to review what we kept track of this week.
copyright Sheanna Marie

Here’s My List:

I’m not accomplishing enough

I’m overwhelmed

I just don’t have the energy

I’m not motivated

Who cares anyway

I can’t do this

These were my negative thoughts for the week. Pretty much the same ole’ things I’ve been hearing in my head the past few months. I sat down and prayed about this list today and said “God, what do I need to learn from this?” His response to me was simple, Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.

Please join the conversation through the comments button at the bottom of the post and let’s stand strong together. 


  1. Great post, feel like I needed the same verse today!


  2. Love this. We can be our own best cheerleaders, but most of the time we are our own greatest discouragement. Thanks for the reminder to be positive!


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